true that every little bit of publicity counts. Like pennies, the small
things add up over time, but time is its own consideration. If you're
limited on time because you're committed to working another full-time or
part-time job, homeschooling your children, keeping up with your church
activities, or struggling with health issues on top of writing and
researching your books, you need to be "selective" in what you choose to
do. Very few of us have unlimited time to spend on marketing and
Not every publicity opportunity is worth your time.
It's "okay" to say "no" once in a while.
When our books are first released, we spend so much time chasing
publicity opportunities, many of which never lead anywhere, that when
something falls into our laps that we didn't have to pursue, the
temptation to jump at it is staggering. We want to shoot off an email
immediately shouting "YES, I'll do it!" Or if we were contacted on the
phone instead of saying, "Let me check my schedule and get back to you,"
we want to give a confirmation right then and there.
Stop. Pray. Check your schedule. Pray again.
Are YOU piloting your career, or are you allowing GOD to pilot your career?
If you're on deadline to finish a book or turn in edits, if you stop to
squeeze in more guest posts or interviews on blogs, how will this affect
the quality of your work? Which family member will have to sacrifice
YOU in order for you to get this done?
Granted, there are times we MUST make sacrifices, but look at the
opportunity. Is it a brand new blog with less than 50 followers with 1
or 2 comments per post or a well-established blog with 500+ followers
with 10-15 comments per post? There are tons of blogs out there. Many of
them are very good and have lots of great content, but most have very
little traffic.
Before you agree to give away another free book after giving away 30
already, what is the purpose and the ROI of your effort? Is it a blog
with the same followers who have already been exposed to your book on
the first 30 blogs where you appeared and gave away free books? Will
there be any requirements for people to enter the contest or can anyone
who Googles "free books" and "book contests" enter who are only out
surfing the Web for "free" stuff?
Publicity is great, but it is NEVER free no matter what anyone tells
you. There is always the time required to provide a photo, book cover,
answer interview questions, or write something fresh because you simply
can't recycle anymore articles. Yes, it might only take a few minutes of
your time, but so will everything else, even answering your email. All
that time adds up to a lot of time NOT writing or researching. Consider
the cost and then evaluate the publicity exposure.
Only YOU can decide if it is worth it or not.
Have you had to turn down any publicity offers? What were some of your
deciding factors? You don't have to list the agency, blog or media
outlet in order to share your experience and/or advice.