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Blog Tours

October 15th  - November 1st
Dark Biology by Bonnie Doran

Are You a Blogger?

If you are a blogger, consider hosting one of our authors on a blog tour during a book launch. The author or the publisher will provide e-ARCs and print ARCs, Advanced Reader Copies, if you would like to read the book and post a review on your blog. If you do not have time to read an entire book, you can still participate by interviewing the author on your blog or allowing the author to provide a guest post.

If interested, please contact Jennifer Taylor. Feel free to download the Book Review image to the right and post it on your website or blog. We would appreciate link back to

Do You Need a Blog Tour for Your Next Book?

Authors have enough to worry about during a book launch with hectic schedules. Allow us to schedule your blog tour to ease your mind and free up some of your time. We have a couple of choices for you to choose from below. 

Basic Blog Tour - $300

A 1-month tour that includes:
  • Your book will appear on 15-20 blogs with a mixture of reviews, interviews and guest posts. We believe in providing a variety of content in various formats from blog to blog. 
  • Standard Banner Design which you may use on your blog, website or social media accounts to promote your tour. 
  • Media release written to promote your book and your blog tour and distributed to our media contacts. 
  • Social Media Promotion on our Twitter page with more than 11,000 followers, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest. We will also feature you in on our blog in an individual post.
  • Blog Tour List will be provided on our website, including date with link and location of the tour. 
  • Giveaways are Optional and will not be required. We realize that publishers provide authors only a few number of books and the cost of postage adds up. If you choose to give away your books or some other gift, that is perfectly fine as well.

Premium Blog Tour - $600

A 2-month tour that includes all of the above benefits from the Basic Blog Tour with the following additions:

  • Your book will appear on 25-30 blogs with a mixture of reviews, interviews and guest posts. We believe in providing a variety of content in various formats from blog to blog.
  • Basic Video Book Trailer with a length of 30-60 sec, 7-10 still photos, minor effects, 1-2 video footage, 1 song, 1 sound effect, Animated transitions, and script

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  1. Nice write-up! Being able to write creatively is something not all of us are capable of. Count yourself blessed because you have a talent. Getting into the mood in writing does not have a set of rules to follow. ‘To each his own’ is what people say; however, a list of suggestions wouldn’t hurt.writing fiction

  2. Thanks, Malik. You're right it is different for every writer, but some of the suggestions other writers have made turned out to be helpful. I hope some of what I share is helpful to others as well. Have a blessed day!


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