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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meet Author & Speaker Carol Howell

Speaker Carol Howell

Author and Speaker, as Certified Dementia Specialist 

Fees: $75 for 30 - 45 minute presentation within 30 minutes of home. Additional travel requires extra fee. 

Travel: USA

Categories: Health, Nutrition, Alzheimer's and Dementia,

Speaking Topics

  • How Food and Exercise Connect With Dementia

I have lost 100 pounds. Eating right and exercising are of utmost importance to me. This became even more true when I learned eating right and exercising can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's by 50%. My grandmother died of Alzheimer's, and my mother is presently living with the disease. I am doing everything I can to protect myself. This particular topic, like all my topics, is approached from a point of personal experience, but it is laced with much humor.

  • Communicating With A Loved One With Dementia 

This topic allows me to demonstrate the "do's and don'ts" of communicating with a loved one who has dementia. There are techniques that can drastically improve the potential for success in communication. There are also definite ways to assure failure. With a great deal of interacting with the audience, a huge amount of humor, and a lot of good practical information, the audience leaves energized and prepared to tackle life from a different angle.

  • How To Make A Caregiver Laugh   

Caregiving is a stressful and tiresome job. It is always my hope to bring knowledge, power, and hope to the lives of those in which I am blessed to make contact. One way of enriching lives is through humor. When I am given the opportunity to play the role of someone with dementia, the interaction between myself and the audience is very fun. The participants always laugh, always relate, and - I hope - leave feeling happier than when they arrived.

  • Alzheimer's and Dementia - Are They The Same?  

This topic is a basic "101" type class. We discover the definition of Alzheimer's, dementia, diversion therapy, and therapeutic fibbing. These are the four core points needed to understand the basics of good caregiving. The information is presented in a very easy to understand way, and, as always, laced with humor. No Powerpoint presentations, ever.

  • What Does God Think About My Weight?

I have lost 100 pounds. Through that process, I learned the scriptures have a great deal to say about food, self-esteem, and taking care of the Temple of God. IF MY BODY IS A TEMPLE, WHY AM I EATING DOUGHNUTS? is the book that came to be as a result of my weight-loss journey. I share many of the stories with the audience, make them laugh, and cause them to think about their relationship with God.


"The women of St. Anne's Guild of the Episcopal Church of our Savior want to thank you for your splendid presentation on Dementia."
Patricia Truncellito, President St. Anne's Guild, Rock Hill, SC

"Again, thank you for a wonderful education and inspiring presentation!!!" 
Lee Q. Miller, Lecturer of Gerontology and Sociology-
Winthrop University

"Thanks so much for a wonderful talk by Senior Life Journeys."
Robert Hope, The Shepherd's Center, Rock Hill, SC

Special Interests and Activities – I am a published author. I very much enjoy sitting in my office and writing the words God sends to me. The two of us, God and me, have published How I See It and If My Body Is A Temple, Why Am I Eating Doughnuts?. Our third book, I Prayed For My Refrigerator, and Other Stories of Faith, just became available in March of 2012. Now we are working on Let’s Talk Dementia – With A Splash Of Humor. 
I also have made it my goal to exercise 30 minutes per day EVERY DAY this year. As I have lost 100 pounds, this goal is very important to me.

Church Affiliation – My husband and I have been members of Westminster Presbyterian since 1998.

Family: Spouse – Michael – and my best friend Children – Brandie, a Physician Assistant, is married to Mike, a Dentist. They live in Florida. Pretzel – the miniature dachshund who plays an important role in my stories of dementia and passed away March 10, 2012; Carson – the adopted chartreuse cat. My Momma – Vera – who is the reason Senior Life Journeys came to be. 

Additional Info: I absolutely LOVE working with seniors through the use of music. It is amazing to see individuals “come alive” who would, otherwise, remain silent within their own world. I also enjoy speaking to groups and always hope my words speak HOPE into the day of someone traveling the journey of dementia. 


Friday, October 26, 2012

Meet Author & Speaker Dave Stevens

Author and Speaker who is a self-proclaimed 

adrenaline junky who loves science and technology

Fees: Free to reasonable, depending on event

Travel: USA

Categories: Christian-based Science, Converting Agnostics, Converting Atheists

Speaking Topics

  • Christians, Stop Fighting Science: Use It!

Hitting the science-loving atheist or agnostic upside the head with a Bible is probably not going to work. Scripture to them might as well be written in Hebrew. They put their belief in science and really believe a God is not required to explain the universe. We must speak to them in their language, before we can reach them with any message. Forget about Evolution, use physics to reach them. We'll discuss in simple terms how quantum mechanics requires an "observer" to start the universe.

  • Reaching Those Who Don't Believe that God is Required to Explain the Universe

We spend millions of dollars and volunteer hours introducing Christianity in developing countries. That’s awesome, but we’re going to talk about reaching your fellow citizens: the educated agnostic or atheist relative, friend, or coworker who was raised with little or no church exposure.

  • Keeping Your Know-It-All Brother-In-Law From Burning in Hell

How do you overcome objections from know-it-alls?

  • Reaching CEOs, Scientists, Lawyers and Legislators

Christians often give up attempting to reach these people in frustration. As a former agnostic, I believe that's extremely dangerous. These people are running our corporations, schools and country. They write or interpret our laws. There are more of them out there than you think. Most won’t share their real beliefs because they don’t want to offend.

  • Bridging science and religion. from David E Stevens on Vimeo.

    Commander David E. Stevens, was a Navy Commander and F-18 pilot. A self-professed adrenaline junky who loves science and technology, he holds engineering degrees from Cornell and The University of Michigan, with graduate work in human factors and astrophysics. During the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Dave served as the Navy Strike Operations Officer for the Persian Gulf. He also test-piloted new fighters, received an aviation patent, and with a Top Secret clearance, led classified defense programs.


  • Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Meet Terry Burns, A Speaker on the Do's & Don'ts in Publishing

    Author and Agent for Hartline Literary Agency, Terry often speaks on the craft of writing and the do's and don'ts in the publishing industry. 

    Fees: Depends on topics and length

    Travel: USA

    Categories: Writing, Publishing, Faith

    Speaking Topics

    • Writing to Reach the Unbeliever 
    Jesus used fiction to make some of his most important points. They were called parables. Terry talks about using fiction in order to spread God's word and about the difference between writing for the Christian market and writing in hopes of reaching an unbeliever. Too often people say they are writing a "crossover book" but I believe a crossover book is an accident. Books are written 180 degrees for the maximum effect in the two markets so the writer should choose one and hope he or she can make people from the other market read it as well. Too often a book intentionally written for both markets ends up in that no-man's-land with too much faith content for the mainstream market and not enough to interest the Christian market. Terry will talk about these differences and how to reach the desired audience.

    • Just Say Yes 

    Too often we don't understand that not saying yes to the Lord is the same as saying no. People who would never dream of saying no to God can do it through inactivity and failure to act. What can this concept mean to the Christian Writer? Presented as a keynote or 30 min to an hour.

    • Editor and Agent Pet Peeves   

    Are there things that can rub an editor or an agent the wrong way and effect the success of a submission? You bet there are, and Terry has collected a number of them in a program designed to help writers avoid some of the pitfalls they may not even see coming.

    • Survive Your Way to Publication  

    Publication is not a selection process but a survival process. Terry walks to author through the entire pitch and submission process, How to do a proposal and what each portion is and what it does. How to pass the various tests and make it into the 15% of submissions that are actually in the running. This workshop is presented in a Q & A format that goes along with his new book on the same subject.

    • Agent Q & A  

    The most popular sessions at most conferences are the agent and editor panels. If your conference or workshop is not planning an agent panel Terry does a Q and A session designed to answer to key questions like "do I need an agent?" "How do I get an agent?" He talks about how to work with an agent, and a variety of other questions about the publishing


    "My highest compliments on the job you did in presenting this material. I found it practical, honest, insightful, and clear. You offer a lot of wisdom in what you've presented. I see this as excellent material for a person just starting out, and good or reassuring for someone who is farther down the writing path."
    Max Elliott Anderson, Author

    "This was a tremendously helpful course. I so appreciate your time and effort to respond to all our questions, even in the midst of recovering from an injury! Although I didn't participate much, I was inspired to get off my duff and put on my "I am a writer" hat by putting together a website and blog. It seems everyday I had a question answered I hadn't even thought to ask. Your explanation about why agents and editors want to see a synopsis changed my whole perspective on the dreaded thing! What a blessing you've been to us all, thank you so much!"
    Niki Turner, Author

    "I ended up mostly lurking but I learned so much. I learned that I can hide behind my VP on Stage personna and not be as afraid to pitch (I hope, lol!). I so appreciate all the time you took and for giving a thorough class with such  usable material. Thank you seems rather puny by comparison."
    Pamela James, Author

    Terry has been with the Hartline agency for over ten years, five years as an agent, and has a substantial list of clients, a growing list of credits, and a reputation for presenting to conferences all over the country with workshops, speeches, keynotes and generally having individual appointments with authors in connection with the event. He is consistently listed near the top on the Publisher's Marketplace list of agents helping debut authors to publish. Terry comes from a writing background, has over 40 books of his own in print, is a graduate of West Texas State and did post graduate work at Southern Methodist University. Terry is a native Texan and is based at Hartline's Amarillo Texas field office. He is a member of the Association of Author's Representatives and a signatory to their rules and practices.

    Twitter: @Terry79104 

    Thursday, October 18, 2012

    Upon Rock Publicist Creates New Speaker's Bureau

    If you are a speaker who would like to showcase your speaking talent and topics, please consider submitting your information to our new Speaker's Bureau. We are in the process of listing new speakers into our system so it may take a little longer than our traditional three days. Speakers will be added in the order they are received and listed by both alphabetical order and by topic. 

    You may submit a photo, an audio/video file of you speaking, up to three speaking topics, links to your website and social media accounts, bio, as well as your contact info for yourself or your booking agency. You may submit your upcoming speaking events, and we will post them on our calendar and promote them on our social media sites. 

    As a Christian-based publicist, our primary focus is on Christian speakers and authors who are building their platforms and targeting various ministries, conferences, community events, including writing conferences and workshops. 

    The cost is only $25 per year. It's a great deal for all the promotion you will receive for the whole year. 

    Join us Now! Upon the Rock Speaker's Bureau

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Why Marketing Plans Are Important to Authors

    Regardless of whether you're pre-published or published, writers should consider creating an annual marketing plan. Such a plan helps you evaluate where you are and prompts you to think about where you want to be at the same time next year. Otherwise, you're just floating along and hoping to make progress without really being deliberate, consistent, or strategic.

    If you have new books coming out, you probably have a book launch campaign and you could incorporate that into your overall plan, but don't let your campaign be your only plan. There are some basic steps you can incorporate into your daily routine that will build your platform while you write the next book. If you're pre-published and you aren't yet doing any speaking engagements, radio talk shows or book signings, I'll bet you're online and could benefit from a marketing plan that would increase your social media platform.

    It isn't necessary to hire a professional publicist to create your marketing plan unless you're published and at the stage where you need to take your platform to the next level. If you've never written a Marketing Plan, you can start out with something basic, depending on how much time, money and effort you want to put into your marketing plan. No boiler-plate marketing plan is going to work for everyone. We are all different, our schedules vary, our talents unique, and our books are in various niches. The marketing plan you create for 2012 may not be the best one for you in 2013.

    Below are some basic categories I would suggest to start. 
    • Book Launch Campaigns - If you have any new books coming out this year.
    • Internet Presence - This is your home place on the web. It's usually your domain location whether it be a static website or a daily/weekly blog. 
    • Traditional Media - TV and radio shows, newspapers and magazines, and places to distribute media releases. These days most authors are concentrating on using traditional media through local outlets unless they are a huge NY Times best seller.
    • Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+ and YouTube, as well as online forums.
    • Digital Media - Blog interviews, e-zines, podcasts, videos, and video book trailers.
    • Speaking Engagements - Conferences, workshops, webinars, video conferencing, Skype and Google+ Hangouts.
    • Book Signings & Readings - Some of these are just signings and others allow authors to provide a reading, offer Q & A, or give brief presentations.
    • Print Publications - Graphic Design and printing of bookmarks, flyers, business cards, postcards, signs, banners, magnets, and memorabilia.

    If you noticed, I've absorbed Public Relations into Traditional, Social and Digital Media. It's started taking on different forms these days, but should be utilized in all three mediums as needed. How best could you see yourself using a Marketing Plan? Do you think it would help keep you motivated and give you milestones to target?


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