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Monday, July 1, 2013

Introducing Blind Dates With Books

Have you ever wondered if your book would hold up next to a bestseller if no one knew who wrote the bestseller or its title? If marketing and promotion really works, then it's reasonable to assume that if enough people or promotional tools tell readers that a particular book is better than all the others, they will be pre-exposed and biased into believing it before they even have a chance to read it. 

Introducing No Names, No Jackets, a blind date with books. The idea is to eliminate author names, titles, reviews, sales records, ratings, testimonials, all the promotional pieces that influence buyers and allow the writing to stand for itself. 

Authors submit the first chapter of a novel or the first few paragraphs of a novella. Readers will be able to browse through selections  at random either by length or genre. If you find a piece of work you would like to purchase, click the link at the end and it will take you to the actual book on Amazon where you can purchase it. If you don't like a selection, click on the next option. 

Right now that are no genre options for Christian fiction or Inspirational fiction, but perhaps a few authors can change that if you are interested in submitting your work. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think this is a good idea? 


  1. This is a great idea. It will also help a novice writer gauge his own level of development.


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