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Social Media Packages

~ Feeling a little overwhelmed with all the social media sites?

     ~ Feeling pressured to be out there on all of them for promotion?

         ~ Are the boundaries between your personal and author/biz blurring?

Allow us to take away your worries and free up your time--at least some of it! We provide Social Media optimization ranging from start-up packages to monthly maintenance packages, as well as customized campaigns. Since our services target authors, you may notice that we list a few sites that other Social Media promotion companies don't offer.

While 20,000 Twitter followers might look great on your profile, if they aren't targeted and engaged in what you offer, all your posts and efforts aren't being noticed. We specialize in targeting followers who are engaged in interaction, who have an interest in reading what you write, and who BUY books.

Also, we don't offer blog posts or social status updates since most authors prefer to interact with their readers themselves. If you are a business and prefer these services, we will be willing to work with you to meet your needs.

Get Connected Package

Stay Connected Monthly Package 


Agent News

Blog List

Editors Blog News